Living in an "Abstract Random" World

Published June 22, 2014, by @jhendge

What is an Abstract Random thinking style?

I recently took the Gregorc Thinking Style test and found that I am an Abstract Random thinker which is awesome, but I have no clue what it means. In light of that, let's take a look at what my results indicate and I'll let you know whether I think it's accurate or not.

  1. 30% of the general population falls into the Abstract Random category
  2. You are a master of unusual organization systems that nobody else can understand (sounds a bit lofty to me... let's go to the next one)
  3. You experience big emotional swings and are very sensitive (ding ding ding!)
  4. You are person oriented (I like to think of myself this way)
  5. You take being challenged personally and are likely to to just "shut down" (agreed, "shut down" or "act out")
  6. Your world of reality is: the abstract world of feeling and emotion (true!)
  7. Your view of times is: the moment. You believe that time is articifical and restrictive (also very true)
  8. Your environmental preference would be one that is: emotionally and physically free, rich, active, and colorful (ok, this is getting a little creepy...)
  9. Your use of language is: metaphoric, filled with big gestures, body language, and very colorful (spot on)

After reading the above results, I can definitely say that it almost perfectly describes how I see myself. Honestly, it's a little eerie.

What does this mean for Dev Bootcamp?

Knowing that I am an Abstract Random thinker, how can I best use this knowledge to help me get the most out of the Dev Bootcamp experience? First, I think it's imperative to note that I am a highly emotional guy with a tendency to analyze everything that is said and the manner in which it is delivered. I need to keep this in mind when interacting with others at DBC. If a pairing session doesn't go particularly well or if I've just had a rough day completing work, I need to be cognizant of my feelings and act in a manner that is appropriate. This is something that I've had to practice for years.

In addition, because I have a non-competitive nature and tend to want to sit and analyze the heck out of everything, I need to be aware of this and more carefully manage my time. I find I lose sight of the big picture and focus on one minute detail until the clock starts counting down and I realize I have a ton more to do. Case in point: I spent entirely too much time on the solo challenge this week and didn't leave adequate time for this blog post, thus I now find myself rushing when really, I would love to spend an extra day or so researching this thinking style. Oh well, maybe next week I'll add a section to the blog and title it, "trials and tribulations of an Abstract Random thinker" :)